Sugar Sand Park Community Center is excited to host virtual social skills classes for students with special needs! Suited for children ages 6–11, these classes will be led by certified therapists who use engaging games and activities like art contests, sensory-building, and show-and-tell, all while helping children make new friends and practice using social skills.
The group is open to all children with special needs and the instructor will provide clear instructions with demonstrations on how to complete activities. Class takes place on GoToMeeting.
Promotes: Social Skills, Creativity, Developmental skills
ACTIVITY: 313000
DAY: Fridays
TIME: 5:00pm-5:45pm
B2: July 9 - August 6
B3: August 13 - September 17 (no class September 3)
Cost: Resident $140; Non-resident $175
Learn more and register at